system of forces

英 [ˈsɪstəm ɒv ˈfɔːsɪz] 美 [ˈsɪstəm əv ˈfɔːrsɪz]

网络  力系; 动机



  1. The CMC approves the military equipment system of the armed forces and military equipment development plans and programs, leads and administrates defense research and production in coordination with the state council, and manages defense outlays and assets jointly with the state council.
  2. Establishment of Public Emergency Drug Supply System in Hospital of Armed Police Forces
  3. In Alexandrian terms, patterns only work in conjunction with one another, creating a system of interacting forces that need to be balanced to create harmony.
  4. Firepower System Deployment of Air Defense Forces Group Anti-shots Air Arms
  5. Present effective pattern includes jury system, people intermediary system, open jurisdiction system, and argument principal, party principal and supervision system of social forces.
  6. The exploration of the system of motive forces of globalization is of great orientational significance for China to accept the challenge of globalization, to grasp the opportunity and to expand the overall national strength.
  7. The results will lay the foundations of test system of active forces control for structure borne sound in enclose space.
  8. The usual practice to overcome such difficulties is to establish a self-equilibrium system of internal forces acting on various nodal points by means of transforming equations of motion into varia-tional form of energy relation through the application of virtual displacement principle.
  9. THE MEASUREMENT OF AC FORCES BY SCNNING PROBE SYSTEM The Measuring and Analyzing System of Forces on Bed Particles
  10. About the forms of the equilibrium equations in various system of forces
  11. Current Situation and Analysis of the Reserve Forces for the Chinese Sports Acrobatics Training and Providing System of Basketball Reserve Forces
  12. Simulation System of Two Environmental Forces for Fuse Based on Single Chip Computer
  13. The theory of human capital of athletes will provide a new thought for perfecting investment system of competitive sports reserve forces and a theory foundation for its income distribution mechanism of multi-investment.
  14. A Probe Into the Cultivation System of Basketball Reserve Forces
  15. The global latitudinal tectonic system is one of the important forces controlling the plate boundary and movement.
  16. Effectiveness Evaluation Model for Command Network System of Digitized Forces
  17. The paper analyzed the difficulty grinding mechanism of the Titanium Alloy, and developed a measuring system of grinding forces under cryogenic cooling.
  18. Those concepts, such as inertial motion, equilibrium of a system, equilibrium of forces, are generalized.
  19. On the Analytical Method System of Plane Intercrossing Forces
  20. A integrated equation set for solving plane parallel motion of rigid body was derived, and the conditions of system of forces simplified on the center of mass plane was discussed.
  21. By means of the internal closed system of forces in a system of bodies a method is developed for designing the testing jigs for tensile and compression fatigue test on bolts so that the tonnage capability of the testing machine can be enlarged.
  22. The establishment of social credit system is the function of various forces.
  23. Simplification on system of forces on rigid body of plane-parallel motion
  24. The paper applies the fuzzy mathematics theory of the unascertained measurement, founds the model of ranking to evaluation measurement, and advances the evaluation model and the targets system of joint forces.
  25. The analytical method of system of plane intercrossing forces is to calculate unknown forces by use of equilibrium equation of plane system of plane intercrossing forces.
  26. Fuzzy evaluating model to evaluate the capability of C~ 3CM of C~ 3I system of air defence forces
  27. The Measuring and Analyzing System of Forces on Bed Particles
  28. Therefore, the system of the Xiang forces was fraudulent to some extent, for it concealed the essence that the feudal nation enslaved and exploited people.
  29. The macro-society is a complex system which is composed of productive forces, productive relations, economic base and superstructure and is the unification of economics, politics, culture and micro-society.